Stay at Home Blogger

Build an online empire in your spare time.


Do you have that feeling that just won't go away?


Maybe blogging is something that has been lingering in the back of your mind but you have let yourself believe things like:

  • I could never make this work
  • I'm not good enough at writing
  • There are too many blogs out there already
  • Isn't blogging kind of dead?

I totally get it! These were some of the same things that went through my mind before I started my blog. However, there was this bigger pull inside of me going, "THIS IS IT!"

There will always be excuses not to do something and even though it wasn't always easy, I am so glad I took the leap.

I'm Renee,

Back in 2017 I was so fed up with trying to juggle part time work while homeschooling my kids and working around my husband's schedule.

I loved the idea of working for myself and had seen success with it in the past.

After doing some research and taking some free trainings I made the leap. I invested in blog training and used a small chunk of our tax return to bet on myself and start a blog!

Running the blog has allowed me to:

  • Challenge myself
  • Use my creative skills in a whole new way
  • Contribute financially to my family
  • Pay off our debt
  • Generate an income from home in my spare time
  • Bring in passive income even when I take a break from blogging.
  • Connect with like-minded people online
  • Grow the blog into an even bigger online business than I imagined

I refused to let my blog flop. I wanted to learn everything I could, make mistakes as fast as possible so I could start making passive income as fast as possible.

Every single day I am so glad that I did.


Get your blog all mapped out.

Even though I invested in training, I still had so many questions after I started the blog. I wished I had continual guidance and support, that's why I set up the Stay at Home Blogger course to:

  • Be laid out step by step with the best strategies for success
  • Help you shift, pivot and expand so your blog can grow with you
  • Connect with other bloggers on the same journey so you have a constant support system through the private SAHB Facebook group! 

I don't want you to feel like this is all on your shoulders or to be left Googling your 1,000 unanswered questions.

The Stay at Home Blogger course is designed to be your one-stop-shop for all things blogging and online business. 

What is in the course?

Get your website set up for success right away, so you don't waste years doing it half-assed.

Learn the importance of speaking to "your people" in just 5 seconds flat. Together we'll craft a game-plan for what to say that makes people instantly hooked.

Then, get a behind-the-scenes look at how to write effective posts or articles so that people love it and Google will love it too!

Learn the surprising way you can make more sales in your business (without acting like a salesman)!

Get a step by step guide on how to create your own free products and grow your online engagement!

Come behind-the-scenes for how to write effective emails that convert into sales! We're talking marketing strategies that millionaire bloggers swear by!!

Then, we'll dive into all things social media to get you set up to take your biz to a bigger audience without stress.

Start your passive income train by finding affiliates you know, love, trust and can talk about with ease (and make money even easier.)

Dip your toes into the world of sponsored posts, so you can start being seen by brands in your niche.

Get insight on how to come up with your first product and get a game plan down for effectively selling it.

BONUS --, get marketing and selling tips from the pros (information that I paid THOUSANDS for!)

Learn how to repurpose your content so you work less while producing more.

Find out how to keep your content fresh and constantly seen even when years have gone by!

Put the pieces together from phases 1 - 3 to build a hands-off sales method that keeps making you money long after you've done the work!

As an added bonus, I have included Productivity Hacks throughout the course to show you the best ways to work less in different areas of your business.

Learn automated methods for getting your work done while you sleep and sneaky tricks for working faster while you're awake!

PLUS, instant access to the private Facebook group just for Stay at Home Blogges!

What Bloggers are Saying!

This course will help you become an expert in:

  • Writing effective blog posts that people want to share with their friends
  • Simple marketing strategies without a marketing degree
  • Making the most out of social media without spending all of your time on your phone!
  • Making money in an honest, authentic way that benefits other people, you and your family!

Ready to get started?!

Sign up right now and get instant access to Phase 1

Get access to millionaire marketing secrets

Receive your exclusive invite to the Stay at Home Bloggers private Facebook group!

Let's do this!!


50% Complete

Two Step

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